You are your kid’s hero and they want to be with you, doing the things you do. And so reading with your child is the very best way to “grow a reader.” Much like trying new foods, getting a kid to learn to enjoy reading is best done young, and by example. Let your kids see you reading, and read with them as well. Pick fun stories that match your child’s interests and spend time together reading. Graphic novels and comic books are an effective way to encourage your child’s reading, especially among reluctant readers.

Your child can find lots of fun books at their school library to bring home. Or you can go pick some titles out together! Our local public libraries have excellent collections of graphic literature in the Children, Young Adult, and General collections. There is no charge for public library cards, no overdue fines, and lots of exciting programs for children of all ages.

More information about the public library’s services at:

As a parent, you can also help your child to use their own school library. All the books from the videos on the Students page are available at the kids’ schools, as well as scores of titles from previous years of the program. Guys Read and Gals Read only read the beginning of the story, so help your student to ask their school librarian for the book so you can read the ending together! (Not sure how to ask the librarian? There are lots of ways! Call or email them, or place book reservations online. Mrs. Zayon at Pearl Creek Elementary School has a tutorial at the bottom of her page here!

Not sure about graphic novels? Here are links to some good articles about how comics and graphic novels work, and why they’re a good pick for reading with your child.

From (This is also a great source for reviews of graphic novels for kids).:

Graphic Novels 101

A Guide to Using Graphic Novels with Children and Teens


Why You Should Encourage Your Child’s Love of Graphic Novels


3 Ways Graphic Novels Benefit Reading Skills

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